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Studio Policy
Music lesson Fees


Parent(s)/Student(s) that enroll for private individual music lessons at the school agree to abide by all terms, conditions and provisions of this policy and agreement.​


Academic term starts on September 1, 2024 and ends on May 31, 2025.
School academic year consists: 

Two Semesters and One Summer Session:


  • Fall Semester: September 1st - Dec 22nd, 2024

  • Winter Break: December 23rd, 2024 - to January 4th, 2025

  • Spring Semester: January 4th - June 5th, 2025

  • Summer Session: June 5th -  August 12th, 2025

  • New Academic Year of 2025-2026: Begins on August 13th, 2025,



Only private lessons are offered and are conducted on a weekly basis.  Lessons are 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes long depending on the assessed level and developmental skills of the Student.  


Each student is assigned a specific day and time for lessons, which reoccurs weekly and is reserved exclusively for the student.  Student is required to keep his/her lesson schedule for the remainder of the semester. 


Changes to the assigned weekly date and time for music lessons are not allowed after semester has commenced.  Rescheduling of assigned date and time for music lessons, due to extenuating circumstances, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and new date and time is not guaranteed. 


Students may enroll at any time during the semester, depending on teacher’s time availability.

School Hours:

Monday - Friday:  2:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday:  9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


School will be closed on the following days: â€‹ All School closure days are not subject for make-up lessons.

2024-2025 School Year begins 09/01/2024


  • Labor Day                        9/01/2024 to 9/02/2024

  • Halloween                       10/31/2024

  • Thanksgiving Break:      11/25/2024 to 12/1/2024

  • Winter Break:                 12/23/2024 to 1/03/2025

  • Spring Break                   4/05/2025 to 4/11/2025

  • Summer Break:              2 weeks off TBA when vacation requests are submitted and finalized in May.

  • Memorial Day                 5/24/2025 to 5/26/2025

  • Independence Day         7/04/2025 to 7/06/2025

  • Labor Day                        9/01/2025 


Parent/Student is required to submit summer schedule and vacation requests to School by May 15, if student is absent more than two weeks the School has right to fill the opening with another student request. If Parent/Student wishes to reserve their scheduled time but is taking summer break more than two weeks, then School needs to receive full payment for the whole summer session from Parent/Student.


​All School closure days are not subject for make-up lessons.

Tuition and Fees:    

From September to May, tuition is a flat monthly rate, regardless of the number of classes offered within a given month, school closures, illness, holidays or vacation. This fee covers a specific number of classes (4), and no refunds or credits will be issued for months with more than the standard number of classes. During June, July and August, tuition is based on the number of classes taken for each month. 


Tuition is due on the 1st of the month by credit card. If tuition is not received by the 5th of the month, a late fee of $50.00 will be added to the tuition payment, the Teacher will not provide the lessons until tuition will be paid in full even class was not provided.  School reserves the right to increase tuition at the beginning of each new academic year.​​


All Parents/Students are using Studio Director software to create their own account and monitor all payments, fees, credits, attendance and more.  Registration fee of $40.00 will be charged every Semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). Registration fee applies to new students who join School at any time. Trial lessons will be charged as a single class without signing the Contract and Policy.


Monthly tuition for piano, cello, violin, viola, guitar, flute:

  • 30 minutes - $200

  • 45 minutes - $300

  • 60 minutes - $400


Tuition for violin, viola, piano with Mrs. Victoria Strochkova:

  • 30 minutes - $240

  • 45 minutes - $360

  • 60 minutes - $480


Parent/Student who would like to participate in Recitals, CM Test, Rehearsals, Workshops, Competitions will sign other Agreements with fees that are applied separately from tuition.


Registration fee (not refundable):  

  • Fall Semester - $40

  • Spring Semester - $40

  • Summer Semester - $40



  • A 5% sibling discount will apply to families with more than one student enrolled. First student will be charged full tuition.  A 5% discount will apply starting with the second child. 


CM Test, Recitals, Rehearsals, Workshops Fees:    

Students who would like to participate in the Certificate of Merit Test (CM) are required to sign the CM agreement before October 1st, which is separate from this School agreement. First time participants need to be enrolled for minimum 1-2 years prior and recommended by a teacher.  Ongoing enrollments for students who have already passed CM test need to start to prepare for next year's test right after passing the exam.   Taking more than two weeks summer break can lead to skipping a year. Students who are not enrolled in Summer Session are not recommended to take CM exam. ​


CM Test School fees:

(CM Test fees are non-refundable)


  • Level - Preparatory to 3d - $40

  • Level – 4 to 6 - $50

  • Level – 7 to 9 - $60

  • Level – Advanced - $70​​


Students who would like to participate in recitals are required to sign the Recital Agreement, which is separate from this School agreement.  Deadlines for recital registration will be sent out via e-mail. 


Recital fees for piano/violin/viola/flute are as follows:

(recital fees are non-refundable)


  • Beginner: $40

  • Intermediate: $50

  • Advanced: $60


Rehearsal fees with an accompanist and teacher are as follows:

(rehearsal fees are non-refundable)


  • 10 min: $30

  • 15 min: $45

  • 20 min: $60

  • 30 min: $90

  • 40 min: $120

  • 45 min: $135

  • 60 min: $180


Canceled or Missed Lessons:    

In order to be eligible for a make-up lesson, a 24-hour notice must be provided for any lesson cancellation.  Absolutely no make-up will be given for missed lessons without a 24-hour notice, regardless of sickness, school activities such as sport events, field trips, school break/vacation, and birthday parties, etc.  Two make-up lessons are allowed per school year (1 for Fall and 1 for Spring).   Make-up lessons will be held in the summer months in addition to the regular summer lessons- if Teacher cannot do it during regular schedule. Parent/Student is required to email the School 24 hours in advance for make-up lessons. Parents are responsible to contact the teacher or School if there are any doubts about scheduling, especially when the teacher or student is resuming lessons after any break. Once the teacher has offered a day and time for makeup – both parties will agree on it – parents cannot reschedule it again – the makeup lesson will be annulled and will not be rescheduled or credited.


School Expectations from Parent/Student:


  • Parents/Students are expected to treat the teachers, School personnel, other students, and School property respectfully.

  • Parents/Students are expected to arrive on time to all lessons, recitals, and other School sponsored events.

  • Parents/Students are expected to bring required lesson materials, i.e., music books and a notebook to each lesson.

  • Parents/Students are expected to complete practice and written assignments daily.

  • Parents/Students are expected to wash their hands before lessons and keep their nails trimmed. 

  • Parent can ask teacher questions about progress of the child only during their lesson, teacher cannot spend any time to talk to parent between classes. Best way to communicate is via email, teacher’s time is very limited and is not reimbursed after lesson time.


The School will provide Parent/Student with verbal or written warning of breaches School’s Expectations, and the Parent/Student has the opportunity to correct or rectify such breaches. Repeated or frequent breaches may result in discontinuation of lessons.



Clean Hands: Please have your student wash their hands with soap and water in the bathroom before lessons.  Clean and germ-free hands show respect for the other students/teachers.


Nail Condition: Please make sure your nails are trimmed twice a week, so they are short each time you practice. For parents of small children, please help them maintain their nails as specified.


Respiratory Hygiene: SRM&FAS encourages all staff and children to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or the corner of the elbow. Dispose of soiled tissues immediately after use.


When staff and students should stay home:

Symptoms that require absence*:

  • Active vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever (temp of 100.4 F or above) / chills / generalized body ache

  • The first 24 hours of various antibiotic treatment (i.e., strep throat, pink eye)

  • Un-diagnosed, new and or untreated rash or skin condition (i.e., generalized hives, wound with purulent drainage, etc.)

  • Doctors note requiring an individualized plan of care to stay home.


*For runny noses/coughs but no fevers, we strongly suggest contacting the teacher for online lessons (Facetime/Skype/Zoom), on the same day/time as regular lessons.  Teachers need to be informed within 24 hours or prior to 12pm/noon on lesson day.


Discontinuation of Lessons, Departure of the Teacher:


Music lessons are continuous and ongoing, effective as of the date of this Music Policy and Agreement written above. Parent/Student may discontinue lessons for any reason.  To discontinue lessons, Parent/Student must provide a written notice 30 days in advance to the School.  Discontinuation of lessons must be done in person or by email and will not be accepted over the phone.  The School reserves the right to discontinue music lessons to any students for any reason, at the sole discretion of the School. 


If the teacher leaves the School for any reason, the student will stay enrolled in the School curriculum and the School will provide another teacher to continue the lessons, if School cannot provide substitute teacher or new teacher then School will give recommendation letter to another school or private teacher. The departing teacher must not attempt to solicit, persuade or influence existing or prospective students at the School to seek musical education with any individual or institution other than the School (for a period of 1 year after departure).  In addition, the departing teacher cannot accept students as his/her private pupils from any students registered at SRM&FAS or acquire students as private pupils through referral of School parents and students, and School held activities and publicities.


Parents and Siblings at Lessons:


Parents are welcome to attend and quietly observe the lesson only with the teacher’s permission.  Parents are prohibited to use any recording devices without the teacher’s approval. Due to physical space limitations and to ensure a focused environment for the Student, non-student sibling, grandparents, caregivers and other persons cannot stay in classroom during lesson time.  Food and sweet drinks are not allowed in the School lesson room. The School is not responsible for providing before and/or after lesson childcare for students. Parents who have students under the age of 6 are asked to remain on School premise during lessons. It is the responsibilities of the Parent/Student to be aware of School activities such as recitals and rehearsal dates and time and when School is open or closed. The School will post notices on the bulletin board as well as send notices home with students regarding recitals, rehearsals and other School events.


Online Lessons: Parents are welcome to attend and quietly observe the lessons only with the Teacher’s permission. Parents are prohibited to use any recording devices without the Teacher’s approval.


Discussions with Teacher, Staff & Director:


If parents need to talk with a teacher or director, for all matters concerning classes, performances, personal, etc. an email to the School’s main office must be sent to schedule an appointment for a meeting.  Please do not stop teachers or director in-between or directly before or after lessons, as we need to keep to our teaching schedule. Once a request for a meeting is received via email, a meeting will then be set up with at least 2 School staff members present based on availability of both of the requested parties.


Media Consent:

Parent/Student hereby consents to and authorizes the School to capture and use video-audio recordings, and photographic images of student’s musical performances and quoted statements in print, electronic, or online media, for educational and School promotional purposes only. Parent/Student agrees to waive and release any and all claims Parent/Student may have against the School related to the use of these recordings, images and statements, etc.


Dispute Resolution:


In the event of any dispute, claim, or disagreement (hereinafter referred to as “Dispute”) arising from the School Policy and Contract, the parties shall use their best effort to settle the Dispute. To this effect, the parties shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and shall establish an agreement in an attempt to reach a just and equitable satisfaction for both parties.


Waiver of Liabilities; Indemnification:





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